“This course provides a depth of understanding of the human being in all his/her major life dimensions that blows my mind away. The harmony between academic theory and the practical realities of 21st century living makes this the most valuable learning experience I have ever been part of.”
"At Modikwa Platinum Mine we have identified, like many mines today in the industry, that we have a serious problem with leadership and supervisory skills. The old autocratic style of management is no longer cutting it. A new way of managing people had to be found. The EPL Way’s leadership initiative was introduced at Modikwa in 2004 as a leadership development programme. The impact of the programme was tremendous. It had a huge influence on the behaviour of our employees and the results were phenomenal. Modikwa is one of the safest mines in the world. At one stage Modikwa had nearly 9 million fatality free shifts. Using The EPL Way at Modikwa addressed our safety and relationship problems, but our production and costs were still average. Once again we embarked on finding a product that would enable us to equip our managers and supervisors with practical management and supervision skills. The end result was a product customised to our needs. The EPL Way Management and Supervisor programme made a huge difference in our production, and currently Modikwa is over-delivering on all our production targets. I can confidently state that The EPL Way interventions will make a difference to leadership effectiveness, attitudes, safety, production and cost saving in any organisation."