In a recent international survey, more than 50 percent of people are unhappy - this is, off course, for those of us not living in Norway. Isn't this sad? More than 50 percent! What could be the cause to such figures? What is the meaning behind an unhappy life?
The idea of this page is for us to become more self aware. Most of us live in and are a part of, what is popularly known as, the rat race of life. Because of this, most of us don't have the time to self-reflect...others almost avoid the opportunities to learn more about themselves. You are invited here to take a 'sneak peek' into small parts of your life. However, don't underestimate these questionnaires. With the right attitude, they can reveal much about ourselves.
Naturally, these questionnaires can only measure so much. If you are interested in your results, but want to delve deeper, please visit our Profiling page to see what other Questionnaires and Assessments we have. You are also welcome to contact us to discuss how we can assist in an in-depth profiling service.
Normally we begin our courses with Gratitude. You are welcome to do a quick Gratitude Survey and start your own Gratitude Journal if you haven't already. We have created a separate page for Gratitude, please find it here.
To read a bit more about your True North, please visit our Blog page.
One of the keys to relationships is the ability to put yourself in someone else's place instead of putting them on their place. We need to decide how we want to be treated..then we need to begin treating others in that manner.
The leadership gap in organisations can be experienced by becoming aware of the level of spirituality at work. Corporations are about making money. Business is mostly locked into a profit-maximising mentality. To manage this, cost must be cut and production raised. In the process the employee's quest for a balanced life and meaningful, rewarding work is often jeopardised.
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