The EPL-Fully Engaged Coaching and Counselling (FECC) Programme
1. The EPL-FECC Programme
Do you wish to become an accredited, highly skilled and inspiring life and business coach? If so, then enrol for the EPL-Fully Engaged Coaching and Counselling (FECC) Training Programme. Our next six months course is scheduled to kick off in September 2013 with a break in December 2013.
The EPL-FECC Training Programme includes:
Foundational Modules
Core Modules addressing specific coaching and counselling skills relevant to all coaching and counselling practitioners
Optional Elective Modules depending on personal preference or needs
The Foundational Skills Modules include:
Orientation: What can be expected?
What is Coaching? Conceptual Clarification: Coaching, Mentoring, Counselling, Training, Facilitation
Clarifying the EPL-Fully Engaged Coaching and Counselling Approach
The Coaching Playing Field – Boundaries of Coaching and Counselling – who can benefit from coaching/counselling?
The FECC Coaching and Counselling Philosophy and Approach
Niche Areas for an EPL-FECC Coaching/Counselling Practice
Does a need or market for coaching and counselling exist?
Who can Coach or Counsel? Role Profile of a Successful EPL-FECC Coach/Counsellor
ICF and EPL-FECC Core Coaching and Counselling Competencies
Theoretical Foundation of EPL-FECC Coaching and Counselling – accountability of the EPL-FECC approach
Coaching and Counselling Style
The Coaching and Counselling Process: Different Approaches
The EPL Way Coaching and Counselling Process
Barriers to effective EPL Coaching and Counselling
Is coaching worth the money? Assessing the ROI of Coaching and Counselling
Marketing an EPL Way Coaching and Counselling Practice/Developing a Coaching Business: Who needs helping skills?
Future Trends and Issues in Coaching and Counselling
Appraising Coaching and Counselling Success
The Core Skills Modules include:
Lifeskills Coaching
Executive Leadership Coaching
Dealing with Emotions: Emotional Clearing Coaching and Counselling
Self-limiting beliefs: Self-Esteem Coaching and Counselling
Building a Coaching Relationship
Supporting Organisations
Coaching and Counselling skills and techniques
Diagnostic questionnaires
The Optional Elective Skills Modules include:
Couples/Marriage Coaching/Counselling
Trauma Counselling
Coaching Skills for Managers
Leadership Coaching – building leadership strenghts
Business Coaching
Temperament/Personality analysis – why and how people do what they do
Career Coaching
Money Maturity – Steps to Financial Freedom
Coaching Conversational Skills
Building Quality Relationships
Total Wellbeing
Intellectual Sharpness and Mental Attitude Coaching
Maximising Learning Effectiveness Coaching
Sharpen your Mind Coaching
Mind Power Coaching
Building Spiritual Intuitive Skills
Return on Investment – how to measure ROI
2. Why should you choose The EPL-FECC Programme
This is a Training Programme with a difference:
It is one of the most comprehensive and academically well founded programmes in the world
Accredited with COMENSA in South Africa and provisionally accredited with the International Coaching Federation
The Programme includes both Coaching and Counselling training
We specialise in personal, leadership, executive, business and life coaching and counselling
Highly qualified and experienced trainers
Approximately forty assessment questionnaires and a wide variety useful coaching and counselling models
A well-structures and systematic course programme
3. Levels of Training
The EPL-FECC offers coaching and counselling training at three levels:
Level 1: Foundational EPL-FECC Models
Approximately 20 training hours
Developing foundational coaching skills
Competency certificate based on mastering of foundational coaching skills
Level 2: EPL-FECC Coach Certificate
Complete foundational EPL-FECC modules
Training in the core EPL-FECC modules
How to build a professional coaching business
Qualifying as an EPL-FECC certified coach, including 70 hours ICF-recognised coach training hours
Comprehensive file of notes, models and questionnaires
Level 3: EPL-FECC Master Coach
International accreditation as personal, leadership, business and life coach/counsellor
A total of 170 hours of accredited Master Coach/Counsellor training
Master level training in all ICF internally recognised competencies
Personal choice electives training
Comprehensive file of notes, models and questionnaires
EPL-FECC Master Coach qualification based on a written and oral assessment
162 hours ICF recognised professional coach/counsellor training hours
4. ICF Credentialling
According to the 2009 ICF Global Coaching Client Study conducted by PriceWaterHouse Coopers and Association Resource Centre Inc., 77 percent of coaching clients consider coaching credentials or certification “important” when selecting a coach to hire. Forty-four percent said a credential or certification was “very important.”
The International Coach Federation (ICF) is the leading global organisation for coaches, with over 19 000 international members. It exists to advance the coaching profession by setting high ethical standards, provide independent certification, and build a worldwide network of credentialed coaches. The ICF is the only organisation that awards a global credential which is currently held by 6 000 coaches worldwide.
The EPL-FECC Coaching and Counselling Programme is in the process of ICF accreditation. This will enable qualified EPL-FECC coaches and counsellors to apply for ICF accreditation. Such accreditation or credentialing is based on a number of coach-specific training for each of the three ICF levels: